Sertaç Sehlikoglu is a principal research fellow at the UCL’s the Institute of Global Prosperity. She is the recipient of a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant (2020-2025) with her project entitled “Imaginative Landscapes of Islamist Politics across Balkan-to-Bengal Complex” [TAKHAYYUL], which she is leading until 2025 as the Principal Investigator. As a social anthropologist specialized in gender and subjectivity in the Middle East and in Islamicate contexts, she often focuses on intangible aspects of human subjectivity that enable humans to change and transform social life. Formerly, she has studied at Istanbul’s Bogazici University, Concordia University in Montreal, the University of Toronto, and the University of Cambridge before completing a research fellowship at Pembroke College, Cambridge. Sehlikoglu is the author of “Working Our Desire: Women, Sport, and Self-Making in Istanbul”, published by Syracuse University Pressin 2021, has edited several journal issues and a book volume.