The Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies invites feminist scholars and activists to submit short essays, photo-essays, photographs, maps, and creative artwork on any topic related to the theme of The Gender and Sexuality of Bodies and Borders in the Middle East. Submissions may address any historical period in any part of the region and its borders. Areas of focus may relate to bodies that are individual or collective and borders that are symbolic or material. Submissions may address dynamics of bodies in/out of place and different kinds of border-crossings and border-crossers. Submissions that engage with embodied and bordering practices in academic scholarship, research, or activism are also invited. JMEWS will publish the highest quality submissions in volume 13 (2017) in the section “Third Space.” Submissions for issue 13:1 are due by July 15, 2016, for issue 13:2 by November 15, 2016, and for 13:3 by February 15, 2017. Please direct submissions and questions to j[email protected].
Call for “Third Space” Submissions on The Gender and Sexuality of Bodies, Borders, and Margins
by Tamar Shirinian | May 8, 2016 | Announcements