There has been much debate about the words gender and sexuality in women’s, gender, sexuality, masculinity, and feminist studies. An entirely new level of debate is added when one considers the implications for non-English languages and non-Western sociopolitical contexts. JMEWS invites analytic interventions (preferably in English) of 500 to 1,000 words on this question from activists and academics focusing on any part of the Middle East. Authors are invited to consider any of the following questions or to address different ones: How are gender and sexuality being used, if at all, in your context or research focus? How have the words been translated, and what kinds of controversies have these translations produced? What are the debates surrounding words like women, homosexuality, transsexuality, masculine/feminine, female/male? What other terms and words are being used in your context/focus and for what purpose? How are boys and men discussed or not discussed?
JMEWS will publish the strongest submissions in volume 12 (2016) in the section “Third Space.” Submissions for issue 12:2 are due on November 15, 2015; for issue 12:3, on January 15, 2016. Please direct submissions and questions to [email protected].