JMEWS reviews scholarly books and edited volumes of original research with a clear emphasis on the Middle East gender, sexuality, feminist, and women’s studies in the humanities and interpretive social sciences. Translated works of fiction, feature films and documentaries focused on gender and sexuality in the region are also welcome. The “Middle East” is roughly conceived as the area between Iran and Morocco, although JMEWS is also interested in reviewing scholarship informed by transnational theories and research.
JMEWS welcomes books and media for review that are relevant to the thematic and geographic focus of the journal. Publishers should send materials to the JMEWS address listed below. Notices regarding newly published works may also be emailed to the Managing Editor at [email protected]. JMEWS is not currently accepting unsolicited reviews.
Science, Religion, and Culture at Harvard Divinity School
Andover Hall 306
45 Francis Ave
Cambridge, MA 02138
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