Angie Abdelmonem is a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Global Technology and Development Program, in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University (ASU). She received her PhD in Anthropology from ASU’s School of Human Evolution and Social Change in 2016. She is currently working on a longitudinal analysis using digital archival data to investigate shifting public and media conceptions of sexual harassment in Egypt. This project follows her dissertation research that examined mobilization strategies of grassroots initiatives in Egypt to combat sexual harassment before and during the revolution. Her research interests center on gender and sexuality, gender-based violence, the body, NGOs and social movements, cultural politics, and Egypt. Recent publications have appeared in the Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, Kohl Journal of Gender and Body Research, Egypt/Monde Arab, Jadaliyya, with forthcoming publications in Hawwa and a new volume by Lynne Reiner Publishers, Sexualities in the Middle East.