AMEWS Association for Middle East Women's Studies

The Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies (JMEWS) Graduate Student Paper Prize was established to recognize and promote excellence in the field of Middle East gender, sexuality and women’s studies among doctoral students in the interpretive social sciences and humanities.

The prize is annually awarded to an emerging scholar who is a PhD or DPhil student in any discipline in the interpretive social sciences or humanities if an original work is judged to be a publishable article with potential to influence the field of Middle East gender, sexuality, and women’s studies and transnational feminist scholarship.

For the 2015 competition, authors are invited to submit polished manuscripts written in English during graduate study in 2014 or 2015. Since this is a Graduate Student Paper Prize, submission must be made before completion of the doctoral dissertation or thesis. Manuscripts must be 7,000-10,000 words, inclusive of a 150-word abstract. Submissions are expected to be in MS Word. No author or supervising professor identification should appear anywhere else in submitted manuscripts since they are blindly reviewed. Submissions must follow the JMEWS article submission guidelines, which can be found here. For more information and to submit a manuscript for consideration please click here. The submission deadline for the 2015 Graduate Student Paper Prize is May 1, 2015. Manuscripts may be submitted any time before this date to the JMEWS online online submission system.

Competition results are communicated to submitting authors in September 2015 and the winner, if any, is announced during the annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association. The 2015 prize winner will receive a $500 award and comments to prepare the manuscript for publication as an article in JMEWS in Vol. 12 (2016). Prizes are not awarded every year.